Pineapple with bright yellow background

How To Cut A Pineapple

Pineapple – it can be a tricky fruit to approach and know how to cut with confidence. This bright yellow tropical fruit is known for its anti-inflammatory benefits, Vitamin C, fiber and a decent source of potassium as well as a great source of flavor.

Cutting Step By Step

Step 1:

Cut off the ends.

Step 2:

Slice off the rind.

Step 3:

Cut it in half.

Step 4:

Cut the halves in half.

Step 5:

Slice off the fibrous core (you can freeze these and use them in smoothies later).

Step 6:

Slice and dice into chunks.

Step 7:


Use your cut pineapple in salads, recipes, top a pizza, blend in a smoothie, freeze for later – or eat it fresh!

Pineapple laying on a cutting board with white background

It’s important to keep in mind that pineapple is one of those fruits that people with oral allergy syndrome may be sensitive to. (If you want to learn more about common reactions in food intolerances, sensitivities and allergies, read this post.)

Quick note: As you can see in the video of cutting a pineapple, we’ve got a beautiful marble cutting board. Please note that for cutting – a marble cutting board isn’t ideal because it dulls a knife pretty quickly (but it makes a great video:)

You’ll want a couple of different kinds of cutting boards for your kitchen. I teach all about how to choose one (according to what you need to use it for) in the post How To Choose Cutting Boards For Your First Kitchen.

Pineapple slices - sideview of round slices

Some Fun Facts About Pineapple

Pineapple can take as long as 3 years to grow.

Once grown, if can stay alive and produce fruit for up to 50 years.

A pineapple is a berry(!!)

One fruit grows on one plant per season.

You can grow this beautiful yellow fruit by slicing off the top and planting it in soil. . . then have patience while it takes 3 years lol.

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